Webtop Browser Extension

Access all your passwords and import, share & organize content directly from your browser

Access & apply all your passwords when you need them

The Webtop Browser Extension will store and suggest your passwords so that you can select and apply them seamlessly.

Generate new secure passwords

Easily add new passwords to be stored within your Vault. Generate secure passwords based on your preferences for length, numbers, symbols, lowercase or uppercase.

Easily manage Vaults and Workspaces

Get one Vault per Webtop workspace to securely separate credentials. You may unlock the vault for all, or chosen workspaces and can easily switch between them.

One-click bookmarking

Direct-save links straight from the browser to a select Desktop within your workspace to efficiently share & store information with your teams. Keep content organized with tags & folders.

Create a centralized destination for all team members to access the tools, knowledge & conversations they need to in order to focus on what they do best.