How to downgrade an account

You can downgrade your account from Pro to Free. The actual downgrade will occur at the end of the current billing cycle and the workspace members will no longer have the benefits that come with having a Pro account/workspace

How to downgrade to Free account:

1) Open your app

2) Navigate to the Workspace settings menu: Click the workspace name -> navigate to Workspace settings

 3) Navigate to the Billing

4) Click Downgrade button

5) You will need to choose 1 member who will stay in the workspace after the downgrade. Click Downgrade button when you made a choice

You will be able to cancel the downgrade before the end of the current billing period

6) Click Cancel downgrade button if you decided not to downgrade

How to downgrade to Free account on a mobile device:

1) Open the app

2) Tap Expand menu button

3) Navigate to Workspace settings menu: tap your Workspace name-> Workspace settings, or tap Settings button on the left-side panel

4) Scroll down to the Billing

5) Tap Downgrade button

6) Select  3 members who will stay in the workspace after the downgrade. Tap Downgrade button when you made a choice

Find more useful guides in our list of the most related articles:

How to manage billing information

How to change payment method
