How to delete an internal desktop

Only workspace owners and administrators can delete internal desktops

In this article:

This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package

How to delete an internal desktop:

1) Open your app

2) Navigate to the Desktops menu and select a desktop you need to delete.

3) Click the desktop's name and select Delete desktop option in the drop-down menu

Deleting a desktop can't be reversed. All apps, links and also users' access to this desktop will be deleted

4) Alternatively, workspace owners and administrators can delete internal desktops from the Workspace settings menu: Click the workspace name -> navigate to Workspace settings

5) Navigate to the Desktops menu and click a desktop you need to delete

6) Scroll down to the Danger zone and click Delete button

How to delete an internal desktop on a mobile device:

1) Open the app

2) Tap Expand menu button

3) Tap the desktop you need to delete

4) Tap the desktop's name and choose Remove desktop option in the drop-down menu

5) Alternatively, workspace owners and administrators can delete internal desktops from the Workspace settings menu: tap your Workspace name-> Workspace settings

6) Scroll to the Desktops menu

7) Select an internal desktop you need to delete

8) Scroll down to the Danger section and tap Delete desktop button

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