User roles and rights

Owners, administrators, and users (members/guests). The difference between their rights in a workspace.

There are 4 groups of users within each workspace. Let's learn more about their difference:


Owner is the user who created a workspace and is it's owner. Owners have all the rights on managing a workspace, internal desktops, apps and users.

Only workspace owners have rights to manage the workspace profile and also edit a billing information.


Administrators of a workspace are users who that can manage members, groups and desktops within the workspace. Administrators do not have rights to manage workspace profile and edit a billing information


Members of a workspace are users who are invited by the owner or administrators to be part of the workspace. Members can be a part of groups and desktops within the workspace, and also create their own private desktops that can be shared with other users in the workspace, or shared with guest users ( it is available only for Pro accounts).

Members have rights to manage only their private/shared desktops, apps, links and do not have rights to manage internal desktops.


Guests are users invited by a workspace member (role owner, admin or member) to one or more specific desktop. Guest users are only connected to the desktops they are specifically invited to and can not be managed by administrators of the workspace in any other way than suspending and removing users from the workspace.

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