How to restore deleted links or apps

Accidentally deleted an app, link, or entire section from your desktop? Find out what to do next with this step-by-step guide

In this article:

If you accidentally deleted an app/ link or the entire section from your desktop, any such unintended action can be easily undone by using the Undo option
This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package

To restore deleted apps/links:

1. Open the app

2. Select the desktop -> navigate to Apps or Links

3. If you enabled Organize&Search+Communicate feature packages: first navigate to Desktops -> select the desktop -> navigate to Apps or Links

4. Click the "Activity" button. You can scroll the activity list or use the Filter activities field to quickly find a particular link/app. Click the 3 dots button next to the link/app  -> click the "Undo" button

5. In the same way you can restore the section

6.Click the "Confirm" button complete the restoring

How to restore apps/links on a mobile device

1. Open the app

2. Tap the "Expand menu" button

3. Tap the desktop

4. If you enabled Organize&Search+Communicate feature packages: Navigate to the Desktops -> tap the desktop you want to work with

5. Tap the 3 dots button in the upper right-> tap the "Activity" button

6. You can scroll the activity list or use the Filter activities field to quickly find a particular link/app. Click the 3 dots button next to the link/app  -> click the "Undo" button. The same will apply to restoring an entire section

Video tutorial

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