How to link workspaces

In this article:

The first account which you use for initiating the linking process is the main account. If you activate MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for a workspace when having linked accounts, the MFA is always registered to the main account. Please, learn more about MFA here

When you switch from one account to another, your security credentials are automatically switched as well. 

You can either link your account to the existing one  or create a new account during the linking process.

How to link a workspace to the existing one

1) Open and log in with your account

2) Navigate to your Workspace name in the top left, click the arrow button and select Create or link a workspace option in the drop-down menu

3) Click  the Link your account button

4) You will be redirected to the login page. Click the Continue with email button

5) Sign in with the account you are linking to the main one

6) Click the Link account button

7)Now you can easily switch between your workspaces. Organize your workspaces' order by dragging-and-dropping them.

The first account which you use for initiating the linking process is the main account. If you activate MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for a workspace when having linked accounts, the MFA is always registered to the main account. Please, learn more about MFA here

How to link a workspace to the newly registered account

1) Open and log in with your account

2) Navigate to your Workspace name in the top left, click the arrow button and select Create or link a workspace option in the drop-down menu

3) Select the plan you wish to use and click the Create account button

4) You will be redirected to the registration page. Enter your account information, valid email address, password, tick the required boxes and click  Continue button 

5) Instructions on the verification will be sent to the provided email address

6) Go to your mail box, open email sent from  and click  Verify email address button to complete the registration

7) After you verified your email, click the Next button

8) You will be redirected to the login page. Log in using the credentials of the account you have  just created

9) Click Link account button

10) Now you can easily switch between your workspaces. Organize your workspaces' order by dragging-and-dropping them.

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