How to add domain names used by your company for email

If you enable domains in the domain list, then these will be the only allowed domains to register users with.
For added security, you may add domain names used by your company for email. Admins will only be allowed to add internal members to the company, that are verified email users of any of the domain names you add. Guests invited to shared desktops may have any email domains and are not restricted by the domains you add

How to manage domains:

1) Open your app

2) Navigate to the Workspace settings menu: tap your Workspace name-> Workspace settings, or tap Settings button on the left-side panel

*Here both feature packages are enabled. If you disabled one of them, some options will be unavailable

3) Navigate to the Domains menu -> click the New Domain button

4) Enter domain's name you need to use. Tick Enable domain -> click the Create button when you are ready

5) Now you can temporary Disable domain or Remove this from domain names used by your company

How to manage domain names on mobile device (Android):

1) Open your app

2) Tap Expand menu button

3) Tap Settings button on the left-side panel. Navigate to Workspace settings menu: tap your Workspace name-> Workspace settings, or tap Settings button on the left-side panel

4) Navigate to the Domains menu

5) Tap New Domain button

6) Enter domain's name, tick Enable domain box and click Create button to save changes

7) Now you can temporary Disable domain or Remove this from your list of domains

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