Password groups

Find out how to effectively manage credentials for Google, Microsoft and Apple apps

In this article: lets you store your credentials for Google, Microsoft and Apple and will now allow you to apply it to all apps that are a part of the respective platform

Entering your Google account credentials for Gmail will allow you to select these login details for any Google apps on your desktops, e.g. Drive, Calendar and Sheets.

Entering your Microsoft account credentials to MS Word will allow you to add those login details to all Microsoft apps on your desktops, e.g. Teams, Outlook and Hotmail. The same will work with the Apple group

Learn more about the password management here
This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package

How to set passwords for apps' groups:

1) Open your app

2) Start from unlocking your Vault: enter your account password -> click the Unlock Password Manager button

3) If you enabled Organize&Search + Communication feature packages, navigate to Desktops -> open your Vault -> unlock the Vault

4) Click the Add passwords button

5) Switch to the Group tab. Click arrow button and select the group of apps you would like to add passwords

6) Enter the credentials that you are using for accessing apps from this group and click Create button.

7) You can edit, share or delete group apps credentials from the Group Passwords section

How to set passwords for apps' groups on a mobile device:

1) Open the app

2) Tap the Expand menu button

3) Navigate to the Vault

4) If you enabled Organize&Search + Communication packages, first navigate to Desktops -> select the Vault

5) You will need to unlock the Password Manager by entering your account password.

6) Tap the +Add button

7) Select the Group tab -> tap the Arrow button to select the apps group you want to add credentials

8) Enter credentials you are using for accessing these apps -> tap the Create button

9) To edit/share or remove groups passwords, navigate to the Vault -> open the Group Passwords groups -> tap the app group

10) Here you can manage credentials for the whole group of apps

Video tutorial

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Password manager
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Password manager Android
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